It’s alive!



My name is Zach Lipovsky, I’m a director based in Los Angeles and Vancouver. I’m constantly on the hunt for new and cool ideas to inspire me, and I’ve spent years collecting anything that makes me go “Wow, cool… I want to do that.”

evernote-iconI started using the amazing software called Evernote to curate my massive collection. If you don’t know what Evernote is, stop reading…. go download it, it will change your life. Ok, back now? I’ll continue. As my collection grew to thousands of notes my tag called “Shot Ideas” quickly became the my most popular. I add new things to it every day and draw on it for inspiration all the time.

It started to dawn on me that others might enjoy peeking behind my curtain, if it inspires me… it may inspire others. Please feel free to send me what you think is innovative and cool in film and I’ll post it too. Email me at

Also if you’re looking for more info on me here are my other profiles and projects:

My personal site with all my films and commercials.

An amazing app I’ve designed to not only help crews shot list and schedule a film, but change it instantly as things go wrong on set.